Ukraine’s Cohesion and Regional Development (UCORD)

Ukraine’s recovery, cohesion and regional development need an effective implementation structure, which should be coordinated by the Regional Development Agencies (RDAs). Switzerland will empower RDAs and will help them to transform into inclusive multi-stakeholder platforms that coordinate the design of regional strategies and co-implement with communities and businesses the public services provision projects with a focus on environment and culture.

Pays/région Thème Période Budget
Culture / sensibilisation por le développement
Approvisionnement en eau
Culture & loisirs
01.06.2021 - 30.11.2026
CHF  24’875’760
Contexte The large-scale military aggression of Russia against Ukraine launched in February 2022 has caused thousands of casualties and displacement of over 12 million Ukrainians. It brought a major disruption of the economy and a massive destruction of the housing and critical infrastructure. At the same time, not only has Ukraine demonstrated an astonishing resistance and resilience, but it has also continued its reforms track which is now greatly incentivized by the EU accession and the pressing need for a fast and sustainable recovery. The regional development policy in this context has gained even more acuteness. In July 2022, the Parliament of Ukraine adopted new legislation which redefined the approaches to regional development bringing forward the recovery needs, and attached an important role to Regional Development Agencies. The proposed project UCORD is thus viewed by the Government of Ukraine as a flagship intervention supporting the emerging architecture for the sub-national recovery and regional development in line with the EU standards.
Objectifs Citizens, businesses and public authorities contribute to and equally benefit from recovery actions and coherent regional development that fosters improved quality of life, resilience, peace, and social cohesion in Ukraine.
Groupes cibles

National: Ministry of Communities and Territories Development, Ministry of Ecology, Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, Parliamentary committees, all-Ukrainian local government associations.

Regional: Regional Development Agencies, oblast state administrations and councils.

Local: local authorities and citizens, utility companies, civil society organizations, private businesses.

Effets à moyen terme

Outcome 1:    Regional development agencies are inclusive multi-stakeholder platforms for practical support in the recovery of Ukraine through the implementation of harmonised national, regional, and local recovery and development strategies.

Outcome 2:    Public authorities at all governance levels effectively cooperate and join forces with the private sector to support the recovery process and ensure the provision of quality WASAW (water, sanitation, waste management) public services critical for the environment.

Outcome 3:    Citizens and public authorities are widely engaged in culture sensitive and conflict-sensitive dialogue on strategic issues of societal development.


Principaux résultats attendus:  

-    RDAs become modern and reliable service providers for all hromadas through a transparent governance and institutional strengthening.

-    RDAs are capacitated to lead the design and implementation of recovery plans and regional strategies, uniting multiple stakeholders.

-    Recovery and regional development is effectively coordinated by the Government of Ukraine catering to the needs of oblasts and hromadas.

-    Regional / inter-municipal flagship WASAW projects are developed and implemented in pilot oblasts, coordinated by RDAs and in accordance with regional recovery and development plans.

-    Increased contribution of culture and creative industries to regional development and cohesion.

-    Enhanced culture of dialogue on strategic development issues among citizens and public authorities at all governance levels.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:   Due to the current war time situation it was not feasible to conduct a full-fledged baseline survey before the launch of the main implementation phase. The survey will be conducted upon the final selection of the pilot oblasts within the first semester 2023. 

Direction/office fédéral responsable DDC
Partenaire de projet Partenaire contractuel
Secteur privé
Institution étatique étrangère
  • Central State of South East
  • Secteur privé étranger Nord
  • Secteur privé suisse

Autres partenaires
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs

-    EGAP (e-tools for monitoring of recovery projects, contribution to the regional digitalization recovery plan);

-    DECIDE (contribution to the regional education recovery plan);

-    In pilot regions – a full-fledged cooperation with other Swiss-funded projects;

-    Other international donor funded projects coordinating in the Working Group on Regional Development, e.g. U-LEAD with Europe (EU), HOVERLA (USAID), Project “Support to Decentralization” (Sweden).

Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    24’875’760 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    6’114’308
Phases du projet Phase 1 01.06.2021 - 30.11.2026   (Phase en cours)