CARE 4 Ukraine: Cash Assistance and Resilience for Ukraine

Project completed

Caritas Switzerland (CACH) together with Caritas Ukraine (CUA) implement an integrated programme combining multi-purpose cash assistance (MPCA) with mental health and psychosocial support to improve the resilience and protection of vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDP), host communities and returnees in central and southern parts of Ukraine. While CUA carries the main responsibility for the implementation of this cash assistance and resilience project, CACH provides technical support for the scale up of the response. 

RegionCountry Topic Period Budget
Conflict & fragility
Conflict prevention
17.04.2022 - 30.06.2024
CHF  5’961’650
Background The military attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine has resulted in over 8 million internally displaced people (IDP) and almost 6 million people fleeing to find safety in neighboring countries. A further 13 million people are estimated to be stranded in conflict-affected or severly impacted newly accessible areas within Ukraine. The highest needs of the population include MPCA, food, shelter, protection, water, sanitation and hygiene as well as continued and safe access to medical and education services, and psychosocial support. According to recent general population surveys, financial support is the number one need of the IDP population and among those that are not displaced or having returned. Furthermore, the conflict-affected population is struggling to cope with physical and psychological trauma, as well as the socio-economic effects caused by the conflict situation. 
Target To improve the resilience and protection of the vulnerable conflict-affected population in Ukraine.
Target group

The intervention will target the conflict-affected vulnerable population in Ukraine, specifically: 

Displaced populations fleeing the conflict, in transit or settling in new locations, vulnerable returnees and host community households.

  1. Vulnerable internally displaced persons (IDP), host communities and returnees affected by the conflict in Ukraine meet their basic needs
  2. Vulnerable IDP, host communities, and returnees affected by the conflict in Ukraine benefit from protection services and improved psychosocial wellbeing
  3. Caritas Ukraine increases its CVA and Protection capacities relevant to the ongoing response

Expected Results:  

1.1 Vulnerable IDP that are transiting out of areas of active conflict receive emergency cash assistance to meet their acute humanitarian needs

Vulernable IDP, returnees and host community members:

1.2 receive stabilization cash assistance to meet their life sustaining needs

2.1 are provided with mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and the Psychological First Aid (PFA) approach is mainstreamed in the response

2.2 are provided with access to protection services

3.1 Caritas Ukraine benefits from tailored capacity strengthening and accompaniment services

Results from previous phase:   CUA has started multi-sectoral programmes including cash assistance and PSS seven years ago at the beginning of the conflict in the east of Ukraine which has been supported by Caritas network partners, including CACH. Besides emergency assistance, CUA has gained experience in the implementation of projects with stabilization, recovery and development components. CUA is currently implementing a nation-wide emergency response with its 28 regional branches which is supported by CACH.

Agency SDC
Project Partners Contract Partner
Swiss Non-profit Organisation
  • Caritas Switzerland

Projects Coordination Caritas Ukraine has the main responsibility to implement the project. The project will be closely coordinated with the Cash Working Group (CWG) as well as with local and national governmental institutions, such as the Ministry of Social Policy. 
Budget Current Phase Swiss Budget CHF    5’961’650 Swiss Disbursement Till Know CHF    5’843’842 Total Project Since First Phase Budget Inclusive Project Partner CHF   2’000’000
Project Phases Phase 2 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027   (Current Phase)

Phase 1 17.04.2022 - 30.06.2024   (Completed)