Switzerland promotes good neighborly relations, peace and security in Kosovo and wider region

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Local news, 14.04.2021

Switzerland is committed to promote good neighborly relations, peace and security in Kosovo and wider region by supporting victim-centered initiatives aimed at dealing with the legacies of the conflict in Kosovo. 

Embassy of Switzerland in Kosovo
Be my voice © KRCT

Switzerland is committed to promote good neighborly relations, peace and security in Kosovo and wider region by supporting victim-centered initiatives aimed at dealing with the legacies of the conflict in Kosovo. We welcome the new KRCT - Kosova Rehabilitation Centre for Torture Victims report “Unnamed victims” which makes an important contribution to the right to truth regarding Conflict Related Sexual Violence. Ambassador Kolly thanked Ms. Vasfije Krasniqi Goodman for her participation and above all for her courage which can serve as inspiration for many other survivors of sexual violence.