Swiss Ambassador Thomas Kolly visits municipality of Skenderaj

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Local news, 03.05.2021

Thanks to the support of Switzerland, more than 80% of the population of the municipality of Skenderaj now have access to safe water. 

Embassy of Switzerland in Kosovo
Rural water & sanitation support programme Kosovo © Municipality of Skenderaj

Thanks to the support of Switzerland, more than 80% of the population of the municipality of Skenderaj now have access to safe water. Accompanied by the Mayor of Skenderaj Bekim Jashari, Swiss Ambassador Thomas Kolly visited on Friday the new facilities providing quality water services to the population. In the village of Rezallë e Re, he witnessed the satisfaction of citizens benefiting from the connections bringing water to their homes. During the subsequent visit to the Adam Jashari Memorial in Prekaz, where dozens of Jashari family members and others lost her life during the conflict in March 1998, the Ambassador expressed his deep emotion.