Francophonie Week 2022 in Bishkek

Local news, 15.03.2022

The French Alliance in Bishkek, jointly with the Embassies of France, Switzerland, Belgium, Canada and the EU Delegation in Kyrgyzstan, are happy to announce the holding of the 2022 edition of the Week of the Francophonie from March 23 to April 2. The festival includes educational, cultural and entertainment events in offline and online format.

Francophonie poster © French Alliance in Bishkek, 2022


The "Francophonie Week" is the festival of the French language and cultures of the French-speaking countries, which is celebrated in the middle of March across the world. The organizers and partners have prepared a program for the broad public, which consists of 16 offline events and activities and 3 online webinars. This year, the festival will centre around questions on how to protect our planet and the environment.

French is the fifth language spoken in the world, the third language for business, used by more than 300 million people on five continents, and also is known as the language of diplomacy. 88 countries are members of the International Organization of Francophonie, in 29 of which French is the official language.

The Francophonie Week will be launched in Bishkek on March 23 with a public screening of the movie "Legacy / Notre Héritage" by the famous French photograph and environmentalist Yann-Arthus Bertrand, followed by an exchange with the latter, starting at 18:00 in Ala-Too Cinema (free entrance).  

The detailed program is presented below.

Local news, 14.02.2022

Today, on February 14, 2022, H.E. Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, President of Switzerland and Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, congratulated H.E. Mr. Sadyr Japarov, President of the Kyrgyz Republic, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Kyrgyz Republic and Switzerland.

Flags of Switzerland and Kyrgyzstan © Swiss Embassy Bishkek, 2022

Mr. Cassis wrote that “Sharing a voting group in the Bretton Woods Institutions is a key element of our partnership and Switzerland values the long-standing relations between our two countries.”

He also underlined the continued commitment of Switzerland to cooperation with the Kyrgyz Republic, as outlined by the new Cooperation Programme 2022-2025, which aims at addressing together the challenges of providing high-quality basic public services, ensuring sustainable management of water resources, as well as promoting inclusive and sustainable economic development. “It will benefit both our countries,” the Swiss President H.E. Mr. Ignazio Cassis said in his congratulatory message.

H.E. Mr. Ignazio Cassis highlighted Switzerland’s commitment to further develop the relations and wished H.E. Mr. Sadyr Japarov and the citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic a peaceful and prosperous future.

30 years ago, on 14 February, 1992, Switzerland and Kyrgyzstan established diplomatic relations and since then the two countries cultivate good relations and reliable partnership. 


Additional information:

1992 - Establishment of diplomatic relations

1994 - Signing of cooperation agreement

1996 - Opening of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Kyrgyzstan

2012 - Opening of the Swiss Embassy in Kyrgyzstan


The Government of Switzerland provides assistance for the development of the Kyrgyz Republic to improve the well-being of the population. Over the last 25 years Switzerland has granted more than CHF 450 million to Kyrgyzstan in the form of technical, financial and humanitarian support.