Application form – Swiss Ambassador’s Award Russia 2021


Contact information

Cultural heritage award OR innovation award


What is the Swiss heritage that you/your institution maintain?

If it is a specific person’s heritage, please provide the full name, origin, achievements and timeframe of this person’s presence in Russia.

How does your institution / do you contribute to the preservation of Swiss heritage in Russia?

Scientific study, materials and documents on Swiss activities in Russia, publication of books, publications in traditional and new media, creation of photo, audio and video materials, archives, films, creation of artistic works, storage and restoration of tangible objects, preserving and / or perpetuating of memory, promoting of Swiss heritage (exhibitions, conferences, presentations, festivals, creating monuments and plaques, expeditions, excursions, museum exhibitions), etc.


What is the initiative that you/your institution develop and how does it contribute to innovation?

Please provide full name of the Swiss and Russian partners, and short description of the current joint project, in particular origin, achievement and timeframe.

What is the advantage of the Swiss-Russian cooperation in your initiative and how does innovation benefit from it?

Cultural projects, scientific study, materials and documents on Swiss activities in Russia, publication of books, publications in traditional and new media, creation of photo, audio and video materials, archives, films, performances, conferences, presentations etc.