Somalia, UNFPA Support to Health, gender and Data.
The maternal mortality rates in Somalia are among the highest in the world, which puts women at a high risk in and around child birth. Support to this programme will increase access to sexual and reproductive rights and health services. The programme will also contribute to addressing gender inequality, as well as production of key population data to be used for evidence based programming in Somalia. This will improve women’s well-being, enhance family planning and, as a consequence, increase stability in the region, which is in the Swiss interest.
Land/Region | Thema | Periode | Budget |
Somalia |
Stärkung der Gesundheitssysteme
Reproduktive Gesundheit & Rechte |
- 31.12.2020 |
CHF 3’552’000
- Availability and use of integrated sexual and reproductive health services (including family planning, maternal health and HIV) that are gender-responsive and meet human rights standards for quality of care and equity in access.
- Strengthened national development policies and programmes that focus on increased availability of comprehensive sexuality education and sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents especially young adolescent girls.
- Advanced gender equality, women’s and girls’ empowerment, and reproductive rights, including for the most vulnerable and marginalized women, adolescents and youth.
- Strengthened national policies and international development agendas through integration of evidence-based analysis on population dynamics and their links to sustainable development, sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights, HIV and gender equality.
- Comprehensive maternal health services delivered by implementing partners, including in humanitarian settings.
- Sexual and reproductive health services provided, including in humanitarian settings.
- Comprehensive programmes designed and implemented by partners to reach marginalized youth, including adolescent girls at risk of child marriage.
- Services provided to survivors of GBV, to prevent gender-based violence and harmful practices, and to promote reproductive rights and women’s empowerment, including in humanitarian settings.
- 1,000 midwives trained according to international standards.
- 800 cases of obstetric fistula successfully treated.
- 240 communities declared abandonment of female genital mutilation (FGM)
- Revised the midwives training curriculum to include FGM/C and provision of minimum services under SRH interventions during interventions.
- 11 one-stop centers providing services to survivors of gender based violence established in Somalia.(2 in Puntland and 9 in South Central Zones)
- Developed guidelines, protocols and standards for health care workers for the delivery of quality sexual and reproductive health services for adolescents and youth in Somalia.
- 12 inter-agency GBV working groups (3 in Puntland, 8 in South Central and 1 in Somaliland zones) established to increase advocacy.
- United Nations Population Fund
Sektor nach Kategorisierung des Entwicklungshilfeekomitees der OECD GESUNDHEIT
Sub-Sektor nach Kategorisierung des Entwicklungshilfeekomitees der OECD Politik und Verwaltung im Gesundheitswesen
Reproduktive Gesundheit
Querschnittsthemen Krisenprävention
Unterstützungsform Gemeinschafts-/Sammelfinanzierungen
Projekt- und Programmbeitrag
Projektnummer 7F10253
Hintergrund |
Somalia is at a turning point. After two decades of conflict, there is progressive calm in some parts of the country. However weak health systems, and limited access to some areas, hinder the provision of health services by health partners. The maternal mortality ratio is among the highest in the world at 732 per 100,000 live births. The midwife-attended and/or facility-based births are estimated to be at 36% while the contraceptive prevalence rate stands at 6%. Available evidence points to high incidences of female genital mutilation, child marriage and early pregnancy as some of the contributing factors.
The UNFPA country programme (2018-2020) targets women, youth and populations at risk of HIV (including those affected by conflict and natural disasters)) Advocacy, policy dialogue, capacity development, knowledge management and health service delivery is the main implementation areas. UNFPA focuses on integrating development and humanitarian interventions. It works through its implementing partners – Government, non-governmental and faith-based organizations. Support to the UNFPA country programme will ensure Switzerland’s continued strategic dialogue with the Somali health authorities, as well as consolidate donors’ coordination. Support to this programme will also guarantee better allocation of donor budgets due to data health information gathered that will promote better evidence based programming. (swiss interest) |
Ziele |
Primary overall goal is the reduction of maternal mortality. The UNFPA Country Programme also contributes to ending unmet needs for family planning and ending GBV and harmful practices. |
Zielgruppen | Women, youth, populations affected by humanitarian crisis, and key populations at risk of HIV will be the programme’s primary targets. For GBV issues, the programme will work in 400 communities. It will directly collaborate with 200 religious leaders and 200 health workers in order to reach 7000 women and girls, 2000 GBV survivors, 3000 men and boys. UNFPA will strengthen the public statistical systems at federal and state levels and build the capacity of 300 government staff. 1400 midwives will be trained. Additional duty bearers include Ministries of Gender, Health, Justice and Religious Affairs in the Puntland, Somaliland and Federal Government states. |
Mittelfristige Wirkungen |
Resultate |
Erwartete Resultate: Resultate von früheren Phasen:
SDC did not support the previous phase. |
Verantwortliche Direktion/Bundesamt |
Kreditbereich |
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Humanitäre Hilfe |
Projektpartner |
Vertragspartner Organisation der Vereinten Nationen (UNO) Andere Partner United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) |
Koordination mit anderen Projekten und Akteuren | Support to UNFPA complements other SDC engagements in the health sector (Private Sector Partnerships for Health, One Health projects, support to primary health care). It also complements SDC’s core contribution to UNFPA (16 Mio per year for 2017-2021). The programme also complements the KfW/GIZ-funded as well as DFID-funded EPHS roll-out in complementary regions to SDC efforts. |
Budget | Laufende Phase Schweizer Beitrag CHF 3’552’000 Bereits ausgegebenes Schweizer Budget CHF 3’551’751 |
Projektphasen |
- 31.12.2025
(Laufende Phase)
Phase 1 01.06.2019 - 31.12.2020 (Completed) |