Tender Announcement: Apostolove Wastewater Planning (WWP)

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Local news, 02.10.2023

The Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine (WASH, Reconstruction and Energy Unit) is looking for offers through a public open tender for the work for the  project Apostolove Wastewater Planning (WWP).

Apostolove Wastewater Planning (WWP) is the systematic wastewater planning for Apostolove Hromada (in Dnipropetrowsk Oblast) – meaning for Apostolove town and all villages and settlements within the perimeter/area of the responsibility of Vodokanal Apostolove.

The project is to make the inventory, assessment, analysis and documentation of all currently existing elements of wastewater infrastructure (network, pumping stations, central treatment plant, household level and semi-centralized wastewater storage/treatment (septic tanks, infiltration pits, etc.). As well, to do the hydraulic calculations and design for the current situation, the maximum potential situation as well as the future/target plan situation (as defined within this project by Vodokanal Apostolove), the identification, definition, technical design and financial needs requirements and prioritization of all actions required for rehabilitation, adaptation, upgrade and expansion for the wastewater network and treatment facilities of/for/in Apostolove Hromada (current and planned), finance aspects (billing, tariff system, auto-financing for operation costs and investment costs, etc.) and establishment of GIS/database and hydraulic calculation systems/tools and applications for wastewater networks/systems and elements for Apostolove Vodokanal. 

Project timeframe: 18.10.2023 – 22.12.2023 (8 weeks).

Latest Date for submission of tender: Wednesday, 11.10.2023, 17.00 Kyiv Time.

Tenders to be submitted in paper format by post or in person to the Embassy of Switzerland in Ukraine: (12, Kozatynska St., Kyiv): 1 Hard-Copy Printout in sealed envelope marked: "Tender Apostolove WWP". And in electronic format by email to: patrick.galli@eda.admin.ch and artur.projectconsult@gmail.com.

Tender documents to be asked for at: artur.projectconsult@gmail.com.

Questions addressed to: artur.projectconsult@gmail.com and patrick.galli@eda.admin.ch

The tender documents are not subject to any costs/fees. No costs/fees will be paid to any company/actor for participation in the tender process nor for submitting a tender/offer.