Smallholder and family farming

Smallholder farming family in a cabbage field in Honduras
Small farms produce almost half of the world’s food needs. © SDC/Fritz R. Staehelin

Smallholders and family farms play a key role in feeding the world's growing population and creating and preserving jobs in rural areas. They can also help to stem migration. In order to stay in business, smallholders need access to stable markets, infrastructure adapted to their needs, and access to education, training and financial and information services. The SDC helps them to adapt to change and to boost production in a sustainable way.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations  defines smallholders as small-scale farmers, pastoralists, forest keepers and fishers who manage areas of less than 10 hectares. Smallholder farms are characterised by family-focused motives and it is the families who are responsible for everything from production to farm maintenance. Part of what is produced is consumed by the family itself. Smallholder farming is about a third less productive than large-scale farming. Despite this fact – or indeed because of it – Switzerland is convinced that supporting smallholder and family farming contributes to alleviating world hunger and poverty.

The SDC's support for smallholders and family farms in developing countries mainly consists of assisting them to adapt to climate change, to changing available means and methods of production, as well as to new market demands in order to boost and improve their production.



Current projects

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Responsible Business Fund Plus (RBF+)

01.07.2024 - 30.06.2028

Myanmar’s post-coup conflict escalation and economic turmoil has led to financial and economic instability and destabilised the agrifood industry. Also, extreme weather and climate change further impact farmers and agricultural processors. The Responsible Business Fund Plus project aims to support agrifood businesses while reducing their environmental impact and thus deepening Switzerland's commitment to private sector engagement and an inclusive green economy.

Futuro Microbank

15.05.2024 - 31.12.2027

The microfinance institution Futuro Mcb, SA currently provides financial services (loans, savings, insurance) to micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) mainly in and around Nampula city. Switzerland will continue to support Futuro with a grant for technical assistance that will help the bank to expand its impact by providing financial services to more low-income entrepreneurs in more regions in Northern Mozambique, thus allowing them to enhance their income and create more jobs.

Scaling Up Youth Employment in Agriculture Initiative

01.05.2024 - 30.04.2028

In Zambia and Zimbabwe, due to a mismatch between the skills they have and those in demand, youth cannot access or create economic opportunities and overlook those available. The project builds skills and matches youth with firms, markets and finance to create more and better (self)-employment in agri-food, renewable energy and emerging sectors, contributing to Swiss priorities on human and economic development and climate change. This is a contribution implemented by SNV.

UNHAS - Accès aux bénéficiaires en Afrique de l’Ouest

01.03.2024 - 31.12.2027

Dans un contexte d’insécurité alimentaire croissante et d’accès humanitaire précaire au Sahel, le service aérien humanitaire des Nations Unies (UNHAS) permet d’accéder aux populations dans le besoin grâce à un transport sûr et rapide de personnes et de biens. La contribution à UNHAS permettra d’atteindre les populations vulnérables dans les régions reculées ou enclavées et d’assurer le suivi des programmes suisses.

Restoring livelihoods and revitalizing rural communities affected by mines and explosive remnants of war

01.03.2024 - 31.12.2027

Humanitarian demining is one of the priorities of Swiss international cooperation program. The Federal Council decided that a total of CHF 100 million will be earmarked for humanitarian demining for 2024-2027. SDC will contribute to the restoration of agricultural livelihood activities in areas severely impacted by the war to reduce the need for external support for rural households, small-scale farmers and local producers in three focal oblasts: Kharkivska, Mykolaivska and Khersonska.

CABI PlantwisePlus

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027

PlantwisePlus is a global programme that is supporting countries and farmers to predict, prevent and prepare themselves for plant health threats in a changing climate. This will allow farmers to reduce their crop losses and produce more and safer food using agroecological and climate-smart practices that safeguard human health and biodiversity. The programme is implemented by CABI, a leading intergovernmental research and development organization in plant health, with research facilities in Switzerland.

Sudan Conflict Affected-Populations Lifesaving Emergency Response (SCALE)

01.01.2024 - 31.12.2025

The conflict that broke out in Sudan on 15 April 2023 has led to a severe humanitarian crisis. Through the SCALE project, Mercy-Corps (MC) provides vulnerable conflict-affected and displaced individuals with Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA) as well as food security and livelihoods support to meet their basic needs and enhance their coping capacities. SCALE adopts a nexus approach, leveraging MCs existing development and peacebuilding programming. Working alongside local partners, the project aims to amplify the voices of conflict-affected women and demonstrate the power of collective influence and action to address priority needs.

Tchad-FAO, Assistance aux politiques

08.12.2023 - 31.12.2024

La Feuille de route nationale sur les systèmes alimentaires, la Loi d’orientation agro-sylvo-pastorale et halieutique et la politique semencière sont des documents stratégiques sectorielles importants dans la projection de la politique du gouvernement dont la DDC a contribué à leur élaboration. En soutenant l’élaboration des textes d’application et l’appui au processus d’adoption desdits textes, la Suisse contribue aux réformes diverses permettant d’accélérer les transformations souhaitées pour améliorer les systèmes alimentaires.


01.12.2023 - 30.11.2027

L’arachide, le sésame et le karité présentent des potentiels de diversification de la production agricole durable et de création d’emplois pour les exploitations familiales (surtout pour les femmes et les jeunes). En soutenant le développement de ces filières à travers l’approche de développement des systèmes de marché, la Suisse contribuera à la création de richesses, à la réduction de la vulnérabilité des ménages ruraux et des inégalités hommes et femmes. 

WFP: Building Resiliency & self reliance

15.11.2023 - 14.11.2024

The Swiss contribution to the World Food Programme’s Country Strategic Programme will foster and enhance resiliency through agricultural skilling and increased access to income, allowing for the Rohingya refugees to become more self-reliant and support their basic needs. As a contributor to a multi-donor framework, Switzerland can simultaneously leverage durable solutions advancement in the Rohingya response while ensuring service delivery for the most vulnerable in the refugee camps. 

ISSD Africa

01.11.2023 - 31.10.2027

Smallholders in Africa need access to affordable quality seeds of the best varieties, especially in fragile and conflict affected states. The phase 2 of the Integrated Seed Systems in Africa, a successful Swiss supported network of seed professionals, focuses on Seed Systems in the Humanitarian, Development, Peace-Nexus, aiming to strengthen resilience to shocks via the development and mainstreaming of state of-the-art tools, methodologies, and policies, adapted to fragile and conflict-affected states. 

Colombia: MIRE+, Assistance to Victims of Violence

01.10.2023 - 31.03.2025

The humanitarian crisis in Colombia continues despite growing efforts towards peace. Armed groups fighting for territory and valuable natural resources inflict extreme harm on rural and ethnic communities. In line with the Swiss interest to respond to humanitarian crises, SDC remains dedicated to supporting these communities, enhancing their individual and collective resilience. The project integrates humanitarian action with a developmental and peace orientation (nexus).

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