Andean Regional Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change (ARIACC)

Proyecto terminado

The Andean Regional Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change builds on Swiss experience and aims at incorporating the resilience of poor rural Andean communities into national climate change adaptation (CCA) public policies, programs and intiatives of Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. Together with key stakeholders, it will promote the uptake of an integrated pro-poor approach, build on regional knowledge exchange and coordination, and articulate with the global CCA agenda

Región/País Tema Período Presupuesto
Cambio climático y medio ambiente
Agricultura y seguridad alimentaria
Environmental policy
Preservación de los recursos hídricos
Recursos hídricos agrícolas
15.12.2017 - 31.08.2024
CHF  5’100’000
Contexto The Paris Agreement on Climate Change sets out the need to consider adaptation and mitigation together, with resilience at its core. The Andes – especially the livelihoods of rural poor – are highly exposed and vulnerable to climate change. In the next 10 years, planning, implementation and progress reporting of adaptation processes will gain importance. This context has prompted Andean countries to engage systematically in climate change adaptation (CCA). However, common systemic barriers restrict the scaling-up of adaptation measures in the region: i) limited articulation between subnational and national actors; ii) limited capacity of local governments to implement CCA; iii) lack of access to climate finance; iv) lack of national adaptation monitoring; and v) lack of integrated assistance services and access to available technologies for vulnerable communities.
Objetivos Rural poor (women and men) vulnerable to climate change that are living in Andean ecosystems in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru increase their resilience and capacity to adapt to climate change, achieving improvements in their food and water security.
Grupos destinarios

Under its systemic approach, ARIACC will focus its direct engagement on the collaboration with and advocacy towards the Ministries of Environment, Agriculture / Rural Development and Social Inclusion in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru. These public national actors create the policies and programs that design the technical and financial support for rural poor vulnerable to climate change in the Andes. To achieve its objectives, ARIACC also engages with private sector entities and civil society.

The final beneficiaries of ARIACC are the rural poor vulnerable to climate change in the Andes. They will indirectly benefit from the improved policies and programs designed by the ministries, the main actors targeted by the project.

Efectos a medio plazo

The expected outcomes of the proposed program are as follows:

·       Outcome 1: National and sub-national CCA policies are strengthened and implemented with a pro-poor approach.

·       Outcome 2: Good CCA practices in water and food security for rural poor vulnerable to climate change are scaled-up through national poverty reduction and other relevant programs.

·       Outcome 3: Progress in CCA of rural poor is measured and reported by partner countries.

-        Outcome 4: Regional learning on pro-poor CCA and best practices and experience from the Andes is highlighted and shared with decision makers and stakeholders from other mountain regions in global platforms as well as UNFCCC Mechanisms.


Resultados previstos:  

·       National Adapation Plans (NAPs) or equivalent national policies are adjusted to increase the resilience of the most vulnerable Andean population.

·       Solid evidence on good practices in pro-poor CCA is shared between networks, communities of practice, academic centers and cooperation initiatives and scaled up through national poverty reduction programs as well as rural extension services that integrate pro-poor CCA measures into their portfolio.

·       The 2023 country reports on CCA incorporate results on the resilience to climate change of rural poor in the Andes, focusing on their food and water security as well as gender equality.

-        Peers in Bolivia, Ecuador and Peru, collaborating with the Andean Mountain Initiative, exchange on innovative experiences and collaborate in global decision-making forums to position the challenges and lessons learned on pro-poor CCA in the Andes and contribute to the development of the work plan of the UNFCCC adaptation committee.

Resultados de las fases anteriores:  

ARIACC builds on the experience of SDC’s bilateral and global programs in natural resources management, disaster risk reduction, and adaption to climate change..

Over the past years, Andean countries have put adapation to climate change higher on their political agenda. However, they are still struggling to tackle the needs of the most vulnerable population to better adapt to climate change. A systemic incorporation of a pro-poor approach into CCA will be a key condition to further reducing rural poverty towards 2030.

The 4-months inception phase of ARIACC, carried out from October 2019 to January 2020 in coordination with key partners in Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, confirmed its geographic focus and intervention logic, resulting in a political commitment of the three partner countries to increase the resilience and CCA capacity of rural poor. 

Dirección / Officina Federal responsable COSUDE
Crédito Cooperación al desarrollo
Contrapartes del proyecto Contraparte del contrato
ONG internacional o extranjera
Organización suiza sin fines de lucro
  • HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation

Coordinación con otros proyectos y actores ARIACC will link with relevant ongoing CCA initiatives and promote strategic partnerships with IFAD, ICIMOD and IISD. It will also coordinate with the regional SDC DRR hub and other cooperation actors (IDB, GIZ, Euroclima, and UNDP) and articulate with the Andean Mountain Initiative and the Global NAP Network steered by IISD.
Presupuesto Fase en curso Presupuesto suizo CHF    5’100’000 Presupuesto actual suizo ya emitido CHF    4’615’379
Fases del proyecto Fase 2 01.09.2024 - 31.08.2027   (Fase en curso)

Fase 1 15.12.2017 - 31.08.2024   (Completed)