Monday, 18.08.2014 – Saturday, 13.12.2014


Curator Ashley Woods in front of the first panel of the photo exhibition “Making Peace” on the banks of the Rhine in Basel
Curator Ashley Woods in front of the first panel of the photo exhibition “Making Peace” on the banks of the Rhine in Basel. ©

The opening of the exhibition "Making Peace" in mid-August marked the launch of the events programme organised by civil society to accompany the OSCE Ministerial Conference. In addition to this public photo exhibition, which can be viewed in Oberen Rheinweg until mid-September and in Basel city centre from mid-October, the programme includes a number of theatre and film performances as well as guided city tours and discussion forums. The events are being organised by half a dozen civil society organisations from across Switzerland who want to give the public an insight into security and peace policy and set in motion a broad discussion on topics handled by the OSCE. The programme is being coordinated by swisspeace and funded by the Canton of Basel-Stadt.

Location: Basilea

Last update 26.01.2022


OSCE Task Force

FDFA General Secretariat
Monbijoustrasse 6+8
3003 Bern

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