Information on voluntary Swiss OASI/IV scheme, pension cover while living abroad, Swiss social security (OASI/IV) cover, health and accident insurance cover and hedging for means of existence with the Cooperative Society Solidarity Fund for Swiss Nationals Abroad “Soliswiss”:

Last update 16.02.2022

  • If you live in a country that is not a member of the European Union (EU) or the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), you can maintain your insurance cover in Switzerland by paying into the voluntary OASI/IV scheme, provided that you meet the membership requirements.

  • Adequate health and accident insurance cover guarantees universal access to medical care in the event of ill-health, maternity or an accident.

  • As a Swiss national living abroad, you can also become a member of the Cooperative Society Solidarity Fund for Swiss Nationals Abroad, or “Soliswiss”.


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