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Switzerland ratified the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) precisely 20 years ago. To mark the occasion, Federal Councillor and Head of the FDFA Ignazio Cassis met with the Executive Secretary of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), Lassina Zerbo, in Bern. During the meeting, Mr Cassis emphasised the CTBT’s indispensable role in building a world without nuclear weapons. The CTBTO works closely with scientific institutions, including the Swiss Seismological Service at ETH Zurich in Davos, to monitor compliance with the ban. These monitoring activities are also an example of how science and diplomacy can work together to solve political problems.
Last update 19.07.2023
FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West
3003 Bern
Phone (for journalists only):
+41 58 460 55 55
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+41 58 462 31 53