Press releases, 26.06.2024

At its meeting of 26 June 2024, the Federal Council decided to grant an annual contribution for 2024 of CHF 56 million to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) for its operations in crisis-ridden countries. These funds will be used to meet humanitarian needs resulting from armed conflicts. Under the Geneva Conventions, the ICRC has a mandate to protect the lives and dignity of victims of armed conflicts, to provide assistance and to ensure respect for international humanitarian law (IHL).

With more and more conflicts around the world, the number of people in need of humanitarian aid continues to rise. In its efforts to meet these diverse and ever greater needs, the ICRC is facing challenges in terms of access, security and resources. IHL must be both applied and respected if it is to continue playing a protective role in armed conflicts. To support the ICRC, the Federal Council is granting a contribution of CHF 56 million in 2024 for country programmes in areas affected by protracted crises. Switzerland is thus helping the organisation to fulfil its mandate, in particular as regards protecting people who have been detained or may be disappeared.

In 2023, the ICRC had to overcome an unprecedented financial crisis that led to significant cuts and efforts to mobilise additional resources. The ICRC has adopted a new strategy aimed at refocusing its activities on its core mandate and improving financial monitoring. In August 2023, the Federal Council decided to grant an additional contribution of CHF 50 million to support the organisation. Since then it has been informed every six months of the ICRC's financial situation, and will continue to receive these updates until the organisation's finances have been stabilised.

Despite all these challenges, the ICRC has succeeded in remaining operational where many other humanitarian actors have not, as well as consolidating its status as the leading impartial, neutral and independent organisation in armed conflicts and other violence-ridden contexts.

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The Federal Council
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs

Last update 19.07.2023

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