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The WFP is currently facing a global food crisis, exacerbated by the impact of armed conflicts, the climate crisis and economic shocks. The organisation estimates that 309 million people in 72 different countries are currently affected by hunger. In order to help respond to this emergency, the Federal Council has decided to make a grant of CHF 39 million. Of this, CHF 7 million will be allocated to the WFP emergency fund and CHF 32 million to programmes in countries experiencing protracted crises.
Operations in emergency situations and protracted crises
The majority of the people facing food insecurity and malnutrition live in regions affected by armed conflict. The WFP's current focus is on more than 30 countries and regions categorised as emergency situations. In the countries experiencing protracted crises, over 152 million people received WFP aid in 2023. More than 75% of the foodstuffs bought by the WFP comes from developing countries, which saves time and transport costs as well as supporting local economies.
Unlike other UN agencies, the WFP has a dual mandate for both humanitarian and development aid, providing food assistance to countries in emergency situations as well as supporting long-term programmes for food security. This involves providing technical assistance to national and local authorities to help them combat and eliminate hunger, such as by strengthening food production programmes. The WFP's added value comes from its extensive network and logistical capabilities, even in the most inaccessible areas. As a member of the WFP Executive Board, Switzerland can put forward its own priorities and enjoys direct access at all levels of decision-making.
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