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Switzerland has been supporting the AF since 2010. With the contribution now pledged for the period 2025–28, its support will total CHF 53 million. The AF reports to the states parties to the Paris Agreement.
Strengthening resilience
The AF programme supports disadvantaged population groups in developing countries in managing the effects of climate change, such as glacier melt, rising sea levels, flooding and droughts. Progress achieved to date in the agriculture, water supply and health sectors is to be consolidated, and resilience to the effects of climate change increased.
Successful protection of natural habitats
To date, around four million people in developing countries have benefited from the AF. For example, the 258 early warning systems for climate-related extreme events that the AF has helped to establish have enabled the restoration and protection of 1,560,000 hectares of natural habitat. As a party to the Paris Agreement and a member of the AF board, Switzerland plays a key role in shaping the AF's strategy and activities.
International cooperation strategy as a basis
Global support for efforts by low-income populations to adapt to the consequences of climate change is severely underfunded. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimates that an additional USD 194–366 billion is needed. Switzerland's contribution to the AF is based on its foreign policy strategy. The SDC is responsible for implementing this contribution as part of its international cooperation strategy. The contribution will be financed through existing budgets, is in line with Switzerland's international commitments to help finance the Paris Agreement's climate goals and will be counted towards them.
Address for enquiries:
FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55
E-mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch
Twitter: @SwissMFA