On 14 October 2020 the Federal Council adopted a specific strategy for the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA Strategy) for the 2021–2024 period. It identifies five thematic priorities: peace, security and human rights; migration and protection of people in need; sustainable development; economic affairs, finance, science; and digitalisation and new technologies.
These priorities are weighted differently across the various regions and countries. Switzerland's three priority thematic areas for the Middle East region are armed or political conflicts, economic development and governance. Switzerland is also addressing the needs of young people by promoting the development of vocational training, thus facilitating access to the labour market.
MENA Strategy
Switzerland’s focus in Iraq
The MENA Strategy identifies the following areas of focus for Iraq:
Peace, security and human rights
Switzerland’s focus is primarily on promoting dialogue as well as working on the past, the rule of law and human rights.
Migration, refugee flows and humanitarian aid
The focus is on the return and reintegration of rejected asylum seekers. Switzerland aims to deepen and formalise bilateral relations with Iraq on migration-related matters and is committed to meeting the basic needs of internally displaced persons.
Switzerland is carrying out humanitarian aid in Iraq within the framework of the 2021–2024 Swiss cooperation programme for the Middle East. The programme's overall goal is to help protect and empower conflict-affected and vulnerable people, save and rebuild lives, reduce fragility, prevent and transform violent conflicts and generate development prospects, promote good governance, and protect and promote human rights, the rights of refugees and respect for international humanitarian law. To achieve these objectives, Swiss humanitarian aid in Iraq focuses on two areas of intervention: 1) protection and 2) water, sanitation and hygiene.
Development cooperation and humanitarian aid
Economic development
Switzerland engages in an active dialogue with the government to improve the economic conditions