Switzerland's activities in Ukraine

Swiss cooperation has been present in Ukraine for more than 15 years. Its projects produce concrete results that can be applied in other parts of the country. Switzerland's cooperation strategy for 2015–2018 further strengthens its commitment. Support for the regions affected by the armed conflict is also planned.

Key points of the Cooperation Strategy 2015-2018 in Ukraine

  • For the period 2015-2018 Switzerland has increased its support to Ukraine with an estimated contribution of CHF 100 million for the next four years. From 2011 to 2014, Swiss support amounted to CHF 57 million.  

  • Switzerland coordinates its support with the work of the international community. It nevertheless maintains impartiality between the two conflicting parties. Its activities aim to support the transformation of the conflict in Ukraine and to build a democratic state attuned to the needs of its people. In this way Switzerland seeks to promote reconciliation, peace and development. 

  • Switzerland is strengthening its support in those areas where it has been active up until now and which have produced tangible results: decentralisation, healthcare, energy efficiency and support for the private sector. Swiss initiatives support government reforms and integrate the conflict dimension in all of the above-mentioned areas of intervention.


  • Switzerland is supporting regions and individuals affected by the armed conflict as much as possible, both on the side controlled by the Ukrainian government and the side controlled by armed groups. The support focuses on the most vulnerable people, in particular those displaced by the conflict. 

  • To implement this programme, in addition to the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), which have been in charge of Swiss cooperation in Ukraine up until now, the Human Security Division of the FDFA and the Swiss Humanitarian Aid will also contribute to this joint effort.
  • Switzerland supports Ukraine in its sustainable development. The cooperation programme is set to continue despite Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

Last update 03.05.2023

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