Here you can find the last 12 media releases and other news published by the FDFA, such as statements, announcements and articles, in chronological order.
All media releases can be found on the Administarions's website.
Press releases
In 2026, Switzerland will chair the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for the third time, following its chairpersonships in 1996 and 2014. Switzerland was elected by the participating states of the organisation in a secret ballot. It will assume first executive functions already from 1 January 2025: as a member of the troika – comprising the 2024 (Malta), 2025 (Finland) and 2026 (Switzerland) chairs – it will be responsible for relations with the Mediterranean states, among other things.
Press releases
At its meeting on 20 December 2024, the Federal Council adopted its new Africa strategy. For the first time, the strategy covers all regions of the continent, setting out objectives and measures that Switzerland intends to implement in the 2025–28 period. The strategy prioritises peace and security, prosperity and competitiveness, the environment, and democracy and governance. It also sets out the objective of building relations with African countries using a partnership-based approach to cooperation.
Press releases
Personnel changes and the conferment of ambassadorial titles will take place in 2025 at several Swiss representations and at the head office of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) as part of the FDFA's periodic transfer rotation and on the basis of appointments made by the Federal Council.
Press releases
President Viola Amherd and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen met in Bern on Friday, 20 December, to mark the conclusion of negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union. They welcomed the outcome of the negotiations and discussed current issues regarding European policy and global developments.
Press releases
At its meeting on 20 December 2024, the Federal Council took note with satisfaction the material conclusion of negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU). It noted that the Swiss delegation, led by chief negotiator Patric Franzen, has met the objectives set under the negotiating mandate. The Federal Council has instructed the relevant departments to undertake the preparatory work needed to formally conclude negotiations.
Press releases
At the request of the Ecuadorian government, Switzerland will represent Ecuador's interests in relation to Venezuela. On 19 December 2024, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis signed the applicable agreement with Ecuador's ambassador to Switzerland, Verónica Bustamante Ponce. In taking on this role, Switzerland is ensuring that diplomatic and consular channels between the two countries remain open. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed following the Venezuelan presidential elections in July 2024. Diplomatic tensions between the two countries had been building prior to this.
Press releases
Today, Switzerland’s official candidature for the 2026 OSCE chairpersonship was transmitted by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis to the current OSCE chair, Maltese Foreign Minister Ian Borg. Numerous countries have approached Switzerland to assume the chairpersonship for a third time. Given the particularly difficult geopolitical times that currently prevail, which also pose major challenges for the OSCE, the Swiss candidature underscores the fact that the only way to bring about peaceful and sustainable solutions to crises is through dialogue and cooperation.
Press releases
Due to the intensified Russian attacks, large parts of the Ukrainian population are suffering from cuts to power and heating. Switzerland is helping Ukraine to cope with the challenges of winter with almost CHF 45 million. The funds will be used to restore energy infrastructure, renovate damaged homes and meet urgent humanitarian needs.
Press releases
On 13 December 2024, the Federal Council adopted the revised National Action Plan (NAP) 2024–27 on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This revised plan aims to address regulatory and other challenges, while supporting businesses in improving their human rights due diligence practices.
Press releases
On 13 December, the Federal Council adopted the updated Digital Switzerland Strategy for 2025 and selected new focus themes, thereby setting its current priorities.
Press releases
Since September 2024, developments in the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel have led to the displacement of thousands of people inside Lebanon, depriving them of access to drinking water in particular. Faced with this situation, Switzerland has decided to provide additional expertise and equipment to support ongoing activities in the Bekaa Valley. The aim is to maintain equitable access to water for those affected.
Press releases
Jürg Lauber, who currently heads the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Office and to the other international organisations in Geneva, has been elected to preside over the Human Rights Council (HRC) in 2025. The HRC is the UN's main human rights body. In October, Switzerland was re-elected to the council by the General Assembly for the 2025–27 period after an absence of six years.
30.12.2024 —
Press releases
In 2026, Switzerland will chair the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) for the third time, following its chairpersonships in 1996 and 2014. Switzerland was elected by the participating states of the organisation in a secret ballot. It will assume first executive functions already from 1 January 2025: as a member of the troika – comprising the 2024 (Malta), 2025 (Finland) and 2026 (Switzerland) chairs – it will be responsible for relations with the Mediterranean states, among other things.
20.12.2024 —
Press releases
At its meeting on 20 December 2024, the Federal Council adopted its new Africa strategy. For the first time, the strategy covers all regions of the continent, setting out objectives and measures that Switzerland intends to implement in the 2025–28 period. The strategy prioritises peace and security, prosperity and competitiveness, the environment, and democracy and governance. It also sets out the objective of building relations with African countries using a partnership-based approach to cooperation.
20.12.2024 —
Press releases
Personnel changes and the conferment of ambassadorial titles will take place in 2025 at several Swiss representations and at the head office of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) as part of the FDFA's periodic transfer rotation and on the basis of appointments made by the Federal Council.
20.12.2024 —
Press releases
President Viola Amherd and European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen met in Bern on Friday, 20 December, to mark the conclusion of negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union. They welcomed the outcome of the negotiations and discussed current issues regarding European policy and global developments.
20.12.2024 —
Press releases
At its meeting on 20 December 2024, the Federal Council took note with satisfaction the material conclusion of negotiations between Switzerland and the European Union (EU). It noted that the Swiss delegation, led by chief negotiator Patric Franzen, has met the objectives set under the negotiating mandate. The Federal Council has instructed the relevant departments to undertake the preparatory work needed to formally conclude negotiations.
19.12.2024 —
Press releases
At the request of the Ecuadorian government, Switzerland will represent Ecuador's interests in relation to Venezuela. On 19 December 2024, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis signed the applicable agreement with Ecuador's ambassador to Switzerland, Verónica Bustamante Ponce. In taking on this role, Switzerland is ensuring that diplomatic and consular channels between the two countries remain open. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed following the Venezuelan presidential elections in July 2024. Diplomatic tensions between the two countries had been building prior to this.
19.12.2024 —
Press releases
Today, Switzerland’s official candidature for the 2026 OSCE chairpersonship was transmitted by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis to the current OSCE chair, Maltese Foreign Minister Ian Borg. Numerous countries have approached Switzerland to assume the chairpersonship for a third time. Given the particularly difficult geopolitical times that currently prevail, which also pose major challenges for the OSCE, the Swiss candidature underscores the fact that the only way to bring about peaceful and sustainable solutions to crises is through dialogue and cooperation.
18.12.2024 —
Press releases
Due to the intensified Russian attacks, large parts of the Ukrainian population are suffering from cuts to power and heating. Switzerland is helping Ukraine to cope with the challenges of winter with almost CHF 45 million. The funds will be used to restore energy infrastructure, renovate damaged homes and meet urgent humanitarian needs.
13.12.2024 —
Press releases
On 13 December 2024, the Federal Council adopted the revised National Action Plan (NAP) 2024–27 on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. This revised plan aims to address regulatory and other challenges, while supporting businesses in improving their human rights due diligence practices.
13.12.2024 —
Press releases
On 13 December, the Federal Council adopted the updated Digital Switzerland Strategy for 2025 and selected new focus themes, thereby setting its current priorities.
11.12.2024 —
Press releases
Since September 2024, developments in the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel have led to the displacement of thousands of people inside Lebanon, depriving them of access to drinking water in particular. Faced with this situation, Switzerland has decided to provide additional expertise and equipment to support ongoing activities in the Bekaa Valley. The aim is to maintain equitable access to water for those affected.
09.12.2024 —
Press releases
Jürg Lauber, who currently heads the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the United Nations Office and to the other international organisations in Geneva, has been elected to preside over the Human Rights Council (HRC) in 2025. The HRC is the UN's main human rights body. In October, Switzerland was re-elected to the council by the General Assembly for the 2025–27 period after an absence of six years.
21.11.2019 —
Federal Councillors Guy Parmelin and Ignazio Cassis held talks with the heads of government of the International Lake Constance Conference in Bern on 21 November. Talks focused on cross-border cooperation in the Lake Constance area, the New Regional Policy of the Federal Government and Switzerland's European policy.
20.11.2019 —
UNESCO strives to promote peace and sustainable development through international cooperation in education, science, culture and media development. UNESCO's General Conference has now elected Switzerland to the organisation's Executive Board for 2019–23. The new Executive Board's mandate will include drafting UNESCO's next medium-term strategy for 2022–29.
20.11.2019 —
At its meeting on 20 November 2019, the Federal Council approved an agreement between Switzerland and the UN on training cooperation in the context of international peace support. The agreement will provide a legal framework for closer longer-term cooperation between Switzerland and the UN in the training sector.
20.11.2019 —
The right to education, protection, play and leisure – children have certain rights that, alongside their general welfare, states are obliged to guarantee. These obligations are enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted 30 years ago today. To mark the occasion, Mr Cassis, head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, opened the doors of the Federal Palace in Bern to two school classes from the canton of Ticino.
18.11.2019 —
On 18 November 2019 Switzerland and the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers’ Association (ICoCA) signed an agreement on the privileges and immunities accorded to the association in Switzerland. ICoCA plays a major role in ensuring compliance with the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers and in promoting the responsible provision of security services.
14.11.2019 —
Rund 90 Kinder und Jugendliche haben am Zukunftstag 2019 ihren Eltern oder Bekannten bei der Arbeit im Eidgenössischen Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten EDA über die Schulter und hinter die Kulissen des Departements geschaut. Generalsekretär Markus Seiler zeigte den jungen Gästen das Bundesratszimmer sowie das Büro von Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis, der sich an diesem Tag in Paris befand. An verschiedenen Workshops konnten die Kinder und Jugendlichen verschiedene Aspekte aus der Arbeit des EDA vertieft kennenlernen und eine Medienmitteilung schreiben.
14.11.2019 —
Speaking at the UNESCO General Conference in Paris, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis called for minorities to be respected, pointing out that this is essential to democratic processes. He also said that Switzerland supports the reform proposals intended to enhance the organisation’s effectiveness and explained the strengths Switzerland can bring to the UNESCO Executive Board. Switzerland is campaigning to gain a seat on the Executive Board in the election on 20 November 2019.
13.11.2019 —
At its meeting on 13 November 2019, the Federal Council approved the revised Ordinance on the Reduction of CO2 Emissions. This, together with the amendment to the CO2 Act adopted in March 2019 and the agreement with the EU, will enter into force on 1 January 2020. From 2020, emissions from civil aviation and fossil fuel power stations will also be included in the Swiss ETS, as is already the case in the EU. Linking the two schemes allows companies in the Swiss ETS to trade emission allowances in the larger EU emissions market.
12.11.2019 —
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis will represent Switzerland at the UNESCO General Conference on 14 November 2019. The head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) will call for respect for minorities, which is a key element of the democratic process. New members of the UNESCO Executive Board will also be elected during the three-week session. Switzerland – one of the candidates – is one of the biggest contributors to UNESCO measured by population.