
Rede von Bundesrat Ignazio Cassis, Vorsteher des Eidgenössischen Departements für auswärtige Angelegenheiten (EDA) - Es gilt das gesprochene Wort

Rednerin/Redner: Departementsvorsteher, Ignazio Cassis


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Switzerland is extremely preoccupied by the ongoing war in Sudan and its disastrous consequences for the Sudanese people.

Only a few years ago, Sudan set an example of a political transition from a military regime to a civilian-led government, paving the way for a peaceful future for the country.

This transition came to a stop and the ongoing conflict caused the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Millions were forced to flee; even more are suffering from acute food insecurity.

This devastation is human-made and not beyond human control and it needs to stop.

We are gathered here to reaffirm our commitment to do our part in addressing this crisis.

Switzerland is fully committed to supporting initiatives aimed at fostering peace in Sudan.

In this regard, we supported the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General in hosting proximity talks in Geneva in July. And more recently, we hosted US-led diplomatic talks this August.

Unfortunately, in spite of all of our best efforts, direct talks between the parties were not possible.

Nevertheless, we agreed not to give up:

The US, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, the UN, the African Union and Switzerland decided to form the ALPS group to push forward the process that had started in Jeddah.


We are gathered here together under the umbrella of the Paris and the ALPS groups to reaffirm our commitment, to work together, to speak with one voice and to be united for Sudan.

I firmly believe that the international community can do better, with better coordinated initiatives, including through our Special Envoys.

I would also like to thank the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General for his efforts in this regard.

It is important that we continue to push the parties at war to allow humanitarian access for those in need and to protect humanitarian workers.

We need to collectively ensure that there are enough resources for humanitarian aid. At the high-level event this morning, Switzerland pledged an additional 8.2 million USD. And we need to ensure that the lifesaving aid can reach the people so desperately in need.

But ultimately, only an end to the fighting can open a path to a peaceful, prosperous Sudan that is so clearly demanded by the Sudanese people.

The political solution to a peaceful Sudan has to be Sudanese-owned and stem from a Sudanese-led process.

Switzerland supports these efforts and we appreciate the important role of the African Union in this regard.

Finally, let us not forget that we are all signatories to the Geneva Conventions.

Not long ago, we celebrated their 75th anniversary. As parties, we have committed to respect and to ensure respect for the Conventions.

It is International Humanitarian Law that protects those most vulnerable in war.

Let us live up to these obligations, everywhere, also in Sudan.

Thank you.

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Eidgenössisches Departement für auswärtige Angelegenheiten

Letzte Aktualisierung 06.01.2023


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